Froling Turbomat
Froling's Turbomat is a unique heating system with a fully automatic wood burner. From wood chip and wood wood pellets to carpentry material and wet waste wood, the Turbomat will operate with a wide variety of wooden biomass material. As a leading manufacturer of biomass heating systems, the company is driven by constant and continual innovation. With the ambition to develop a boiler that would be perfectly suited for burning other biomass fuels as well as wood chips, the Turbomat was conceived. The Turbomat embodies all of Froling’s expertise in pioneering innovation.
The Turbomat not only boasts innovative combustion technology but also offers impressive control options. With Lambda controls as standard, combustion chamber temperature monitoring and under-pressure
control, perfect combustion is guaranteed for a range of materials. The comfort provided sets new standards in this performance category.
All Turbomat functions are fully automatic, from fuel feed and combustion right through to cleaning and ash removal. The high-tech Turbomat is designed to be extremely robust, durable and easy to service.
Information on other systems in our range can be found on the biomass boilers page.

High-temperature combustion chamber
• No cinder build-up
• Optimum burnout
• Very low emissions
• Automatic ash removal

Upright heat exchanger
• Optimal heat transfer
• Automatic cleaning of heating surfaces
• High efficiency
• Very low dust emissions

Service-friendly sturdy design
• Maintenance work kept to a minimum
• Components are ease to replace
• Cost savings
• Extremely high operating safety

Flue gas re-circulation
• Combustion optimisation
• Even longer service life
- High efficiency up to 94.2%
- Heat output range: 150kW-500kW
- Trapezoidal stoker duct guarantees minimal energy consumption
- Upright heat exchanger
- Low dust emissions
- 4-layer high temperature combustion chamber
- Very low emissions
- Automatic ash removal
- Economical fuel consumption
- Service-friendly sturdy design

Trapezoidal stoker duct
Trapezoidal stoker duct guarantees minimal energy consumption in the feed area and full flexibility for varying fuel sizes. The industry standard drive gear unit is durable and mechanically isolated from the feed channel. This prevents the screw movements from affecting the gear unit. A bonus feature is also the fact that the feed area is water-cooled in the high temperature range. This serves the very practical purpose of pre-drying the heating material where the fuel has a high moisture content.
Second ignition fan
Second ignition fan (optional) for heating material that is hard to light (e.g., damp)
Combustion chamber
4-layer high temperature combustion chamber (firebrick/insulation 1/air jacket/insulation 2) made of premium, heat-resistant fireclay components for optimal combustion, even with inferior fuel (e.g., high moisture level etc.) or alternative fuel, such as miscanthus.
Post-combustion zone
High-temperature post-combustion zone with hot fireclay lining prolongs combustion. This increases efficiency even further, particularly with inferior fuels.
Moving grate
Moving grate for constantly homogeneous combustion process with ongoing removal of combustion residue. The innovative primary air zone separation system produces exceptional combustion results with CO₂ emissions below 10 mg/MJ!
Heat exchanger
Vertical, patented 4-pass heat exchanger with integrated suction cyclone unit dust separation unit and Efficiency Optimisation System (EOS) with automatic cleaning function. Operating pressure up to 6 bar.
Flue gas re-circulation
Flue gas re-circulation FGR (optional) optimises burning (output, emissions etc.,) with particularly demanding fuels, e.g., pellets, shavings, miscanthus etc.
Draught fan
Speed-regulated and function-monitored induced draught fan together with the under-pressure controller ensure that the system continuously adapts to changes in fuel and the chimney conditions.
Combustion cooling
Case cooling of combustion chamber minimises radiant heat. The heat is specifically used to preheat the combustion air.
Thermal insulation
Multi-layer thermal insulation guarantees minimum radiant heat.
Browse through our product range
As the importers and distributors of two of the largest Austrian biomass boiler manufacturers, there's an extensive range of systems we can offer. We pride ourselves on providing the most appropriate system for your project and will source other systems if necessary. When we need single systems above 1.5MW in size, or WID/IED boiler suitable for burning Grade C hazardous wood waste, we would look to other manufacturers such as Uniconfort. Browse through our product range or give us a call to discuss your requirements and our team will be able to hand-pick the best biomass boiler for your project.
Guntamatic Biocom
Biocom heating systems,with industrial step grate technology, combine maximum economy with minimum emissions. These biomass boilers can operate with wood pellets of varying quality.
Guntamatic Powerchip
Our Powerchip heating systems effectively combine maximum economy and minimum emissions. These boilers are perfect for burning a range of fuel types, including wood chips, pellets, grain and miscanthus.
Guntamatic PRO
The PRO series offers highly economical and future-proof heating convenience using pellets and wood chips. With an output range of up to 1MW, the PRO is suitable for a wide variety of commercial and industrial applications.
Frӧling Turbomat
Frӧling’s Turbomat is a unique heating system with a fully automatic wood burner. From wood chip and pellets to carpentry material and wet waste wood, the Turbomat will operate with a wide variety of wooden biomass material.
Frӧling TI
With the heat output of 350kW, the Frӧling TI biomass boiler's combustion chamber adapts very quickly to different performance requirements. This rapid adjustability is particularly beneficial for dry to moderately damp fuel classes.
Frӧling Lambdamat
Frӧling's Lambdamat is a unique, fully automatic heating system for burning wood chips, shavings and pellets. It not only offers innovative combustion technology, but also a high level of convenience and operational reliability.