Don't Get Caught Out in the Cold: Summer is Prime Time for Biomass Boiler Servicing

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As spring unfolds and summer approaches, many homeowners are likely focusing on sunshine and barbecues, not their biomass boilers. However, at Treco, we urge you to consider a crucial step towards a warm and worry-free winter: biomass boiler servicing.

Why Schedule Biomass Boiler Servicing Now?

While most people wait for the first signs of autumn to address their heating systems, there are significant advantages to getting your biomass boiler serviced during the summer months. Here's why:

  • Preventative Maintenance is Key: Biomass boilers, require regular servicing by HETAS qualified engineers. A summer service by our Treco service engineers allows them to thoroughly inspect your system, identify potential problems, and perform necessary maintenance. This proactive approach prevents minor issues from turning into major breakdowns in the heart of winter, saving you time, money, and the discomfort of a malfunctioning boiler.
  • Maximise Efficiency, Minimise Costs: Did you know an inefficient biomass boiler can significantly increase your fuel consumption? A summer service ensures your boiler is operating efficiently, potentially leading to lower fuel costs throughout the year. That's good news for your wallet and the environment!
  • Beat the Rush and Save: Summer is a time when our Treco service engineers have more availability. This translates to easier scheduling for a convenient appointment that fits your busy schedule. Additionally, if we are in your area we may offer discounted rates on biomass boiler servicing during the off-season.
  • Peace of Mind for Winter: Imagine the comfort of knowing your biomass boiler is in tip-top shape when the first frost arrives. By scheduling your service now, you can enter winter with confidence, knowing your heating system will keep you warm and cozy all season long.

Treco Service Engineers: Your Biomass Boiler Experts

Our team of HETAS registered service engineers specialise in all aspects of biomass boiler servicing and maintenance. They have the expertise and experience to ensure your boiler operates safely, efficiently, and reliably for years to come.


Don't wait until the cold weather hits! Contact Treco today to schedule your summer biomass boiler service. We'll ensure your heating system is ready to keep you warm and comfortable all winter long, while also maximising efficiency.

P.S. Share this blog with your friends and neighbours who also rely on biomass boilers. By spreading the word about summer servicing, you can help them avoid winter heating headaches too!

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